Roast tomato and gorgonzola galette with hot honey and rosemary

Roast tomato and gorgonzola galette with hot honey and rosemary

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If you live in a larger city in Europe, by now you might have experienced the ridiculous luxury of Gorillas (or similar). Gorillas, for the ones who aren’t familiar, is a grocery delivery service from Germany that delivers to your door within 10 minutes. Amsterdam, mind you, is a tiny city. No one lives further away from a grocery store than a 10m walk. So yes. A superfluous service if ever there was one. It's great.

This week it came in particularly handy, as we were locked up inside quarantining, so this recipe was literally brought to you by Gorillas. Sounds like a sponsored message huh? You're not entirely wrong:

Anton insisted that alongside the ingredients for this recipe I’d also order a rookworst (smoked mystery meat sausage), u know as a pre-dinner snack. Instead of that Gorillas brought us a can of knakworstjes (canned mystery meat sausages). Outrage! Disaster! We mentioned this truly unfortunate mix up to the customer service and they swiftly refunded our order. So yeah, thank you Gorillas for sponsoring this episode?

Ingredients #

Ingredients for 2

Method #

  1. Preheat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius.

  2. Put the puff pastry on an oven tray lined with some parchment paper. Cut the tomatoes in half and place them cut side up on the pastry, leaving about a 5cm wide edge.

  3. Break the gorgonzola in little bits and place them in between the tomatoes, no exact science here folks please follow your heart.

  4. Place the rosemary sprigs on top, then fold the edges of the pastry back over the tomatoes and drizzle your beauty with olive oil. Season with salt and black pepper and bake in the oven until golden brown and bubbly, about 30 minutes.

  5. In the meantime heat up your honey to make it muy drizzle-able, and mix about a teaspoon of chili flakes through.

  6. When the galette is golden brown and gorgeous take her out of the oven and drizzle with the spicy honey. Add some flaky salt to finish and enjoy!

Foolproof and quite the stunner, weekend plans sorted?